What gender is garçon in French

masculineUnlike English, however, all French nouns also have a gender: masculine or feminine. In some instances, the gender of the noun is apparent: un garçon (a boy) is masculine, whereas une fille (a girl) is feminine.

How do you tell if a French word is male or female?

The best place to start when trying to figure out the gender of a French word is by looking at the ending of the word. Words that use the articles le or un are going to be masculine, and words that use the articles la or une are feminine.

What gender is garçon in French

Is it Le or La garçon?

For masculine nouns "The" is Le, whilst for feminine nouns "The" is La. If the noun is plural then "The" becomes Les. For example : The boy = Le garçon.

What are the 3 genders in French?

Indefinite Articles:

Masculine un un homme
Feminine une une femme

Which words are feminine in French?

All the nouns ending in a double consonant + e are usually feminine. elle, enne, emme, esse, erre, ette… La pelle (shovel), une selle (saddle), la chaussette (the sock), la fillette (the little girl), La tristesse (sadness), la terre (earth), la femme (woman)…

Does French use gender neutral pronouns?

ne. s). To express the non-binary, use gender neutral pronouns in French: While the English tends to use “they” to reflect the non-binary, in French the most common gender neutral pronoun is “iel” (singular) or “iels” (plural).

What words end in E but are masculine in French?

French Nouns Ending in Ège, É and Eau are Masculine

É, as in le café (coffee or café), le canapé (the sofa), le carré (the square), le défilé (the procession), le supermarché (the supermarket). Eau, for example le bateau (the boat), le manteau (the coat), le chapeau (the hat), l'oiseau (the bird).


Does Garson mean boy?

noun, plural gar·çons [gar-sawn]. French. (usually in direct address) a waiter in a restaurant. a boy or a young unmarried man. a male employee or servant.

What is Le garçon?

masculine noun. boy. un vieux garçon a bachelor.

Is there a French gender neutral pronoun?

ne. s). To express the non-binary, use gender neutral pronouns in French: While the English tends to use “they” to reflect the non-binary, in French the most common gender neutral pronoun is “iel” (singular) or “iels” (plural).


What are the new French Nonbinary pronouns?

It's a contraction of the masculine personal pronoun “il” and the feminine “elle”, il + elle = iel. This pronoun is used to refer to a person regardless of gender.

The gender-neutral pronoun iel.

Singular Plural
ellui elleux
ille illes
ol ols
ul uls

What are some masculine French words?

French Nouns Ending in Ier, Er and Eur are Masculine

French words ending in “ier and er” are masculine, such as in le fermier (the farmer), l'épicier (the grocer), le cahier (the notebook), le pommier (the apple tree), le boucher (the butcher), le boulanger (the baker) – many names of professions end in “ier”.

What are examples of masculine and feminine French words?

Either way, here are some examples of the masculine and feminine forms:

  • un acteur, une actrice (actor)
  • un boulanger, une boulangère (baker)
  • un infirmier, une infirmière (nurse)
  • un caissier, une caissière (cashier)
  • un avocat, une avocate (lawyer)
  • un pharmacien, une pharmacienne (pharmacist)

What is the French Nonbinary pronoun?

To express the non-binary, use gender neutral pronouns in French: While the English tends to use “they” to reflect the non-binary, in French the most common gender neutral pronoun is “iel” (singular) or “iels” (plural).

What are masculine pronouns in French?


Il is masculine, used for he or masculine it. Elle is feminine, used for she or feminine it. On means one and is used in contexts where English speaker might use you informally.

What do masculine adjectives end in French?

Masculine ending Feminine ending Example
-x -se heureux/heureuse
-er -ère cher/chère
-an -en -on -anne -enne -onne paysan/paysanne européen/européenne bon/bonne
-el -elle cruel/cruelle

What does garçon mean in France?

boy, servant

borrowed from French, "boy, servant" (in sense "waiter" originally short for garçon de café, garçon de restaurant, etc.), going back to Old French garz, garçun "servant of low status, boy," going back to Old Low Franconian *wrakkjo, *wrakkjon-, going back to Germanic *wrakjan- "someone pursued, exile" — more at wretch.

Who says garçon means boy?

Pumpkin : Garçon! Coffee! Waitress : 'Garçon' means boy.

Is garçon singular or plural?

noun, plural gar·çons [gar-sawn]. French. (usually in direct address) a waiter in a restaurant.

What does Gar mean in French?

guy. un drôle de gars a weird guy. Quel beau gars ! He's such a handsome guy!

Is there a French gender-neutral pronoun?

ne. s). To express the non-binary, use gender neutral pronouns in French: While the English tends to use “they” to reflect the non-binary, in French the most common gender neutral pronoun is “iel” (singular) or “iels” (plural).

What are the 6 French pronouns?

Personal Pronouns in French

  • je/j' — I.
  • tu — you.
  • il/elle/on — he/she/one.
  • nous — we.
  • vous — you formal, you all.
  • ils/elles — they.

What are the 10 masculine countries in French?

All other countries are masculine: le Nigéria, le Brésil, le Canada, le Japon, le Danemark, le Maroc, le Liban, le Pakistan, le Pérou.

What are some masculine words?

List of masculine and feminine words in English:

Masculine Feminine Gender neutral
man woman person
father mother parent
boy girl child
uncle aunt

What are the rules for masculine and feminine adjectives in French?

With most adjectives you add an -e to the masculine singular form to make it feminine. If the adjective already ends in an -e in the masculine, you do not add another -e. Some changes to endings are a little more complicated but still follow a regular pattern.

What are the two genders in French?

Unlike English, however, all French nouns also have a gender: masculine or feminine. In some instances, the gender of the noun is apparent: un garçon (a boy) is masculine, whereas une fille (a girl) is feminine.

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