Was McGonagall in love with Dumbledore

Minerva McGonagall did never love Albus Dumbledore. She had a great sense of respect towards him. She consider him to be her mentor, friend, and also her teacher. Minerva started her life in Hogwarts at the time when Dumbledore was the transfiguration teacher.

What was relationship between Dumbledore and McGonagall?

McGonagall is extremely loyal to Albus Dumbledore and his causes. She was one of his most accomplished students in Transfiguration. Although she had a successful Ministry career, she wanted to teach at Hogwarts, where Dumbledore still taught.

Was McGonagall in love with Dumbledore

Did Minerva McGonagall like Dumbledore?

McGonagall Never Questioned Or Stood Up To Dumbledore

There was established mutual respect between Dumbledore and McGonagall, which means she was very respectful of his decisions, despite the times she disagreed.

Who was Dumbledore’s true love?

Gellert Grindelwald

One of the most famous revelations about Dumbledore after the books were published was that he was actually in love with Gellert Grindelwald. J.K. Rowling said: 'Dumbledore fell in love with Grindelwald, and that added to his horror when Grindelwald showed himself to be what he was…


Did Hagrid kiss McGonagall?

Harry watched Hagrid getting redder and redder in the face as he called for more wine, finally kissing Professor McGonagall on the cheek, who, to Harry's amazement, giggled and blushed, her top hat lop-sided.

Did Dumbledore love anyone else?

Translation for the non-Harry Potter set: Dumbledore and Grindelwald are both wizards introduced in the original Rowling books; Rowling revealed after publishing her series that Dumbledore was gay, and very much in love with Grindelwald.

Did Professor McGonagall know Snape killed Dumbledore?

Later in the year, McGonagall duelled with Death Eater Alecto Carrow during the Battle in the Astronomy Tower and later learned of Snape's murder of Dumbledore. McGonagall was initially appointed as Headmistress, but was demoted after Voldemort took control of the school and placed Snape as Headmaster.


Why did Dumbledore trust Snape more than McGonagall?

Snape was in a very unique position. Dumbledore made the best deal ever with him. He offered nothing and in return gained the loyalty of a high rank Death Eater. Both Narcissa and Draco stated that Snape was the Dark Lord's favourite and not even Bella denied it.

Is filch McGonagall’s son?

The answer is: NO.

Did Albus really love Harry?

Dumbledore reveals how thoroughly he loves Harry. Harry is brave, and Dumbledore is proud as any father would be. More than that, Dumbledore succumbs to a parent's weakness; he cares more about Harry's happiness and wellbeing than the wizarding world he is trying to protect.


Who was Professor McGonagall in love with?

Still in love with Dougal McGregor, Minerva turned him down. Elphinstone, however, had never ceased to love her, nor to propose every now and then, even though she continued to refuse him. The death of Dougal McGregor, however, although traumatic, seemed to free Minerva.

Who is Minerva McGonagall’s love interest?

Dougal and Minerva shared a sense of humour, argued fiercely, and suspected mysterious depths in each other. Before either of them knew it, Dougal was on one knee in a ploughed field, proposing, and Minerva was accepting him.

Did Grindelwald really love Albus?

In the words of Monique, “I would like to see it.” According to author J. K. Rowling, beloved Harry Potter character Albus Dumbledore and Fantastic Beasts villain Gellert Grindelwald did have a passionate love affair of an explicitly sexual nature.

Why does Dumbledore love Harry so much?

Dumbledore reveals how thoroughly he loves Harry. Harry is brave, and Dumbledore is proud as any father would be. More than that, Dumbledore succumbs to a parent's weakness; he cares more about Harry's happiness and wellbeing than the wizarding world he is trying to protect.

Does Snape hate McGonagall?

Him how he was a second agent working underneath voldemort. Even how he was in love with lily snape lost literally everything and everyone who ever cared about him throughout the course of the series.

Who did Dumbledore trust the most?

I trust Severus Snape completely. '”


Who did Dumbledore trust most?


With the return of his Death Eaters at the end of Book Four, Voldemort declared that Snape had left their ranks forever. Conversely, Dumbledore went on declaring his undying trust in Snape. So Dumbledore was no more wrong than was Voldemort.

Did McGonagall know Snape killed Dumbledore?

Later in the year, McGonagall duelled with Death Eater Alecto Carrow during the Battle in the Astronomy Tower and later learned of Snape's murder of Dumbledore. McGonagall was initially appointed as Headmistress, but was demoted after Voldemort took control of the school and placed Snape as Headmaster.

Is Mrs Norris the wife of Filch?

Norris is the pet cat of Argus Filch, the caretaker of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Mrs. Norris is described as having an unusually strong connection with her master, alerting him to any students misbehaving inside the school grounds.

Why did Albus Potter kiss Hermione?

At one point in the play, Harry's son Albus uses Polyjuice Potion to disguise himself as Ron. When he encounters Hermione, this means he has to kiss her to keep up the charade. Nothing wrong with that.

Who is McGonagall’s first love?

Dougal McGregor

Death Eaters killed Professor McGonagall's first love.

During Lord Voldemort's first attempt to take over the world, Death Eaters went on random anti-Muggle killing sprees. During one of these sprees, they killed McGonagall's first love, Dougal McGregor.

Did Snape and McGonagall like each other?

They were some kind of “frenemies” because they led rival houses. Snape's opinion seems to matter a lot to McGonagall. He is the one she wants to beat at Quidditch because otherwise he will gloat.

Why did Draco’s mom save Harry?

Draco Malfoy's mother Narcissa was cold, cunning and devoted to the Dark Lord. But she was also a mother, which meant she was willing to risk everything to make sure her son was safe. When Harry survived Voldemort's Killing Curse for the second time, Narcissa pretended he was dead so she could get to Draco.

Why did Dumbledore trust Snape more than Mcgonagall?

Snape was in a very unique position. Dumbledore made the best deal ever with him. He offered nothing and in return gained the loyalty of a high rank Death Eater. Both Narcissa and Draco stated that Snape was the Dark Lord's favourite and not even Bella denied it.

Did Snape hesitate to fight McGonagall?

Even though McGonagall is the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, she's unable to defeat the Potions master. It show's Snape's power. Yet not only does he refuse to fight back, he also seems to deliberately deflect one of McGonagall's spells into the path of two Death Eaters behind him.

Is Mr Filch Minerva’s son?

I've noticed several people asking this question online. The answer is: NO.

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