Does Leia love Luke or Han

By the end of Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Leia professes her love for Han, telling him “I love you. Han — just before being frozen in carbonite — smoothly replies, “I know,” — sealing their love for one another permanently.

Why does Leia kiss Luke?

Following the Wampa attack during the movie's opening scenes on Hoth; Leia, Han, and Chewie visit Luke in the infirmary. Leia is annoyed with Han, who insists she has feelings for him, so she kisses Luke to prove she doesn't. Presumably, the scene was simply meant to make Han jealous.

Does Leia love Luke or Han

Does Han ever tell Leia he loves her?

Han, worried that Leia is injured, is relieved when she's okay — and finally utters the words, "I love you," when she reveals she has a blaster. The princess replies, "I know," before shooting two Stormtroopers. Only in Star Wars.

How many times did Luke and Leia kiss?

The Last Jedi

They have a touching conversation at the end and Luke gives Leia a brief kiss on her forehead. So the final tally is Princess Leia gives her brother Luke Skywalker five kisses and Han Solo got eight.

How did Leia feel about kissing Luke?

While Leia is denying Han's assertion that she has romantic feelings for Han, Leia kisses Luke passionately to demonstrate that Han "doesn't know everything about women" and to suggest that she has feelings for Luke instead.

Did Luke know Leia was his sister when kissed?

That's all you get. It's well known that Star Wars lead characters Luke Skywalker and Princess (now General) Leia are brother and sister. The estranged siblings didn't know about their familial relationship until "Return of the Jedi." They even shared a passionate kiss in the previous movie, "The Empire Strikes Back."

What does Chewbacca say after Leia kisses Luke?

After Leia and Luke's lips lock in Lannister love, our wookie friend vocalizes what seems to be his approval. However in hindsight, Chewie was more than likely saying “Your species' obsession with sibling mating is a curious one, I've seen your browser histories”.

What happened to Han and Leia’s twins?

In Episode VII, then, Jacen and Jaina Solo are nowhere to be found. Instead, the only canon-confirmed offspring of the Han/Leia union is Ben Solo (aka Kylo Ren), a new character invented for the movies who is now “officially” part of the universe.

Who did Han Solo love more?

The best romance from the Star Wars franchise saw Han Solo fall in love with Princess Leia Organa, and he proved his feelings for her many times over.

How much older is Luke than Leia?

Leia's journey yields a time dilation of 62.6 days; however Luke experiences a time dilation of 700.8 days (1.92 years). The students concluded that Luke is therefore 1.75 years younger than Leia, possibly rendering them the first twins ever to have over a year between their ages.

Did Luke know Leia was his sister when he kissed her?

Poor Luke Skywalker had to deal with the shocking revelation that the woman he'd been smooching up was his very own sister. The actor behind the role explains his take on it. Freelance writer Amanda C. Kooser covers gadgets and tech news with a twist for CNET.

Does Vader know Leia is his daughter?

Darth Vader only learned he had a daughter in Return of the Jedi — but there's no evidence he realized she was Leia before his death and redemption. Darth Vader may have never known Princess Leia was his daughter in Star Wars and never cultivated a relationship with her, even when he was a Force ghost.

Why did Leia and Han Solo split?

Things got complicated when Ben was sent to Luke for Jedi training. And, ultimately, Ben's turn to the Dark Side put a strain on Han and Leia's relationship. Their split lasted quite a long time. But the couple had one last reunion before Han met his untimely end.

Why did Leia hug Rey instead of Chewbacca?

While a mistake in real life, the canon reason that Leia embraces Rey before Chewbacca is due to Leia seeing Rey as a lost soul and surrogate daughter, establishing a strong relationship that will grow through the sequel trilogy.

Did Luke have a crush on Leia?

In the first Star Wars movie, Luke was pretty obviously crushing on Leia. She later even kissed him on the lips. The relationship took on a new level of Game of Thrones awkwardness when the big reveal was announced — and Leia responded by saying somehow she'd always known Luke was her bro.

Why did Han divorce Leia?

Their son Ben turning to the dark side and becoming Kylo Ren was the ultimate reason for the separation, but an excerpt from an upcoming Star Wars book indicates their relationship had issues that couldn't have been resolved.

How many kids did Han and Leia have?

three children

Many of the Expanded Universe stories take place after or in between the events of the movies, and follow the main characters as they grow and start families. Han Solo marries Princess Leia and they have three children: twins named Jacen and Jaina, and a younger son named Anakin.

What is the age gap between Han and Leia?

Fun facts also worth mentioning: Han Solo happens to be 10 years older than twins Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa.

Who rejected the role of Han Solo?

Al Pacino, Han Solo

However, Pacino didn't take on the character of Han Solo because he “didn't understand the script.” Remember, this was before Star Wars was the famous franchise it became — it was uncharted territory. During An Evening with Al Pacino, the actor said that he doesn't regret his decision.

Why does Luke look younger than Leia?

Leia's journey yields a time dilation of 62.6 days; however Luke experiences a time dilation of 700.8 days. The students concluded that Luke is therefore 1.75 years younger than Leia, possibly rendering them the first twins ever to have more than a year between their ages.

Did Leia know Luke was her brother?

That's all you get. It's well known that Star Wars lead characters Luke Skywalker and Princess (now General) Leia are brother and sister. The estranged siblings didn't know about their familial relationship until "Return of the Jedi." They even shared a passionate kiss in the previous movie, "The Empire Strikes Back."

Does the Third Sister know Leia is Anakin’s daughter?

This is not because the Third Sister knows that Leia is Anakin Skywalker's child; it is because the Third Sister found a link between Obi-Wan and Bail Organa and she believed Obi-Wan would do anything to save Bail's daughter.

Does Leia know Padmé is her mother?

Leia Organa never knew her mother Padmé — but Star Wars comics have made Padmé's memory even more heartbreaking after Rise of Skywalker. Marvel's Star Wars comics have made Leia and Padmé's relationship even more tragic.

Who did Luke Skywalker marry?

Mara Jade Skywalker

Mara Jade Skywalker is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. She appears in the now non-canon Legends series as the wife of Luke Skywalker and mother of Ben Skywalker. She has been voiced by Heidi Shannon, Edie Mirman and Kath Soucie in various Star Wars video games.

Did Han Solo really love Leia?

The best romance from the Star Wars franchise saw Han Solo fall in love with Princess Leia Organa, and he proved his feelings for her many times over. Fans of Star Wars know the franchise as a space fantasy filled with epic lightsabre and spaceship battles, though it is also home to a fantastic series of love stories.

What was Princess Leia’s last words to Han Solo?

“No matter how much we fought, I've always hated watching you leave.” — Leia to Han as he departs for Starkiller Base. “If you see our son, bring him home.” — Leia's final words to Han.

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